The achievement Toe Tension is quite an easy achievement to complete, especially after you read this guide! It should take you roughly 3 minutes of your time.
First, you will need to find a climbing world quest in Dragonflight, we chose to do one of the climbing world quests in Azure Span with mountain goats standing on some of the rocks. Once there grab your backpack and start climbing.
Please note you can complete Toe Tension in one climbing world quest. Just don’t complete the quest!
The easy way to do Toe Tension in WoW
Once you have climbed to a rock with a goat on it, they will start hitting you which reduces your ability to hang on, so what you are going to do is use your ability called Spiked Cleats which is your button 1 action ability.
Spiked Cleats is on a 6-second cooldown and will block 2 hazards per use, so we simply jumped down to safety one rock below until Spiked Cleats was back off cooldown. Then you jump back up and use your ability again, at this point rinse and repeat until you have achieved Toe Tension in World of Warcraft!
While goats are not the only obstacle that you can do the achievement Toe Tension for in World of Warcraft, that is what we just happened to do. Other climbing world quests you can accomplish this on are climbing world quests in Zaralek Cavern which has the Aggressive Rock Vipers, or more on Wowhead for Toe Tension
Climbing World Quests:
Waking Shores:
Stolen Luggage.
Brightblade’s Bones.
Lightsprocket’s Artifact Hunt.
Ohn’ahran Plains:
Take One Down, Pass It Around.
(Quest #70660).
Leaves from the Vine.
The Azure Span:
Cold Hard Science.
Artifact or Fiction.
A Bone to Pickaxe.
Are You Kitten Me?.
Supplies on High.
Not Mushroom For Error.
Thanks for checking out our guide on the World of Warcraft achievement: Toe Tension! We look forward to creating more content like this for easy achievement points and fun!